The Pastor of Martin Espiritu Ministries Philippines (MEMP), INC
What a privilege to be serving the Lord in His vineyard!
When the Lord Jesus Christ said in Matthew 9:37,
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few", the couple, the late Mr. Thomas A. Polsley and wife Belinda Polsley responded to the call without a second thought.
They dedicated themselves to helping fulfill the Great Commission in the far flung mountainous town of Lake Sebu, South Cotabato, Philippines.
Since, the church named THE PASTOR OF MARTIN ESPIRITU MINISTRIES PHILIPPINES (MEMP), INC was established, the Lord's work has flourished to now 11 churches plus one church in the island of San Jose, Mindoro.
People, near and far, were given the opportunity to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally and were baptized through one on one evangelism, film showings, evangelistic crusades and intentional disciplines.
Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ for allowing us to witness the Mighty working of His Holy Spirit in our generation. He has involved us! He can involve you too! You can be a part through your prayers and financial support.
IBAN: DE34 4979 0500 0000 4968 3899
Freedom Worship Center
Purpose of Use: MEMP