Meet Our Leadershipteam
Senior Pastor
Heike Bauer
I have been a born-again Christian since 2002 and have been a part of FWC for many years. My passion is for Christ and making Him known to people. I love helping others get to know Him and grow in their faith, so they can embrace the calling that God has laid on their lives. We live in a world where only a solid faith in God/Jesus/Holy Spirit can secure and satisfy you.
I pursued my theological studies at the Kingdom Tabernacle Bible School in Kampala, at the Church of God in Tennessee, and at River of Joy in Tampa.
Simon Mungwa
It is an honor to be called by God to be a minister of the Gospel and a teacher of His word. I am the author of Your Daily Light devotional, which is published and available in book format, as E-Books or accessible as Your Daily Light App on both the App Store and Google Play. I also work as a biologist and my contributions in medical research have been published in peer-reviewed Journals.
My theological education was with the Ambassador College & Seminary in Kumba, Cameroon and the affiliated local Church. Since my ordination as a minister in 2013, it has been my joy to serve the Lord in this capacity and through many other ministry engagements.
Worship Leader
Franics Aigbe
It is my heart and deep passion to see all People come together, unified in the Body of Christ to celebrate and worship God, to Express our love towards Him in corporate worship.
Healing and deliverance
Ulrike Sauer
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36)
I am married and mother of two wonderful chrildren. Since I was little I was already a carefree, freedom-loving person. In my international, multicultural, boundless quest for freedom, I found Jesus and gave my life to Him as a decision. Through deep, inner healing, I could trust Jesus all the more
Jacky Eseka
I am married and have two wonderful kids.
I love to play with kids, make crafst and sing songs with them.
I read the stories of the old Testament and about Jesus to them.
Childrens Church
Karin Mogath
I am a child care worker by profession, although I am not currently working in this field. I want to help shape childcare here in our church. My primary goal is to contribute to helping people, especially children and youth, to know Jesus and to let His love be a foundational element in their lives.
Sabine König
I am a devoted believer in Jesus. I love to serve with my talents: I am a very empathic person, like to talk to people and help people. I am translating the sermons, but helping in several areas of church like caring, hospitality.